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Showing posts with label SEO Techniques. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SEO Techniques. Show all posts

Friday, 27 April 2018

Important SEO Tips for Your Website

Posted by Siva on 05:01 with 2 comments
To optimize your whole site for search engines, you’ll need to follow these basic tips:

1. Make the website about one thing.

It can be about other stuff, too, but choose one primary topic that is most essential to your message.
This step is important, so you may want to do a little keyword research before choosing a topic.

2. Mention keywords where they matter most.

Include your “one thing” in the site title, domain name, description, tagline, keywords, blog categories, page titles, and page content.

If you’re on WordPress, you can change a lot of this in the General Settings or through a plugin like All in One SEO Pack (which I use).

3. Link to internal pages on your site.

A lot of content management systems automatically do this, but if yours doesn’t, you’ll want to be intentional about linking to your most important pages directly from your homepage and cross-linking them with each other.
4. Use a permalink structure that includes keywords.

Some sites have “ugly” permalink structures that use numbers to identify pages.

Don’t do this. It’s bad for SEO and just doesn’t look good.

Use a URL structure that includes text, and make sure you include keywords in your URLs.
So instead of having a page’s URL be this:

It should look more like this:

5. Remove anything that slows down your website.

Page load times are important, so get rid of any non-essentials that bog down your website.
These may including music players, large images, flash graphics, and unnecessary plugins.

6. Use keywords in your images.

Include words that reflect your site topic in the image title, description, and alt attributes.

Also, re-title the file name if it doesn’t reflect your main keywords (e.g. writing-tips.jpg instead of d1234.jpg).

7. Link to other websites with relevant content.

You can do this by including a blogroll, link list, or resources page on your website.

Of course, do it sparingly, as each outbound link is a “vote” for another site. However, if you do it well and people click your links, this tells search engines you are a trusted authority on your particular topic.

8. Update your website frequently.

Sites with dynamic content often rank higher than those with static content. That’s why blogs and directories (like Wikipedia) do so well on search engines. They are constantly being updated with new content.

9. Make sure your website is indexed in search engines.

A lot of search engines will automatically find and index your content, but don’t count on it.

You want to be sure engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo are crawling your site, so that people are finding you online. (You can add them directly, if they’re not.)

10. Have other websites link to you.

This is really, really important, when it comes to SEO. The bummer is that it’s not something you can necessarily control. Other than creating excellent content, the only thing you can do is ask (which occasionally works).

My counsel is to spend the time you would trying to convince somebody to link to you on just writing great content. And, start guest posting on other blogs.

Regardless of what you do, know that inbound links are essential to SEO.

11. Stop changing your domain name.

The age of your URL is a factor in your site’s search ranking, so be patient.

If you’re launching a new blog every six months, you’ll never see your site get the value it deserves.

12. Write like a human.

None of the above matters if you create content that sounds like a robot wrote it.

Write great stuff, follow the steps above, have patience, and you’ll see results.

I realize that many of you have already started blogging, but many of these tips can be applied retroactively. And once if you done this, you can start writing regular content. For more about writing SEO pages, read the next article in this series: The Idiot-Proof Basics to Writing SEO Pages.

If you’re curious as to how well your site is performing on search engines, you can use a free website SEO tool like Website Grader.

Monday, 19 March 2018

The best part?

All of these proven strategies are working GREAT in 2018.

Let’s do this!

And here are the tactics you’ll learn about in this post.

    1. Optimize Your Site for Google RankBrain
    2. Discover Untapped Keywords on Reddit
    3. Update, Upgrade and Republish Old Blog Posts (This Increased My Traffic by 111.37%)
    4. Copy Adwords Ads to Make Killer Title and Description Tags
    5. Find Broken Link Building Opportunities on Wikipedia
    6. Steal Your Competitors Best Keywords
    7. Optimize Your Content to Maximize “Shareability”
    8. Link Out to Authority Sites
    9. Send Link Juice to Pages Sitting on Page 2 or 3
    10. Add This One Word to Your Outreach Email…and Increase Your Response Rate by 45%
    11. Write Mini Blog Posts for YouTube Descriptions
    12. Reverse Engineer the Results on Page 6
    13. Embed Long Tail Keywords In Title Tags
    14. Hack Wikipedia for Keyword and Topic Ideas
    15. Use “Best of” Lists to Find Awesome Link Building Opportunities
    16. Publish Content With At Least 1,800 Words
    17. Remember the “First Link Priority Rule”
    18. Create Your Own Keywords
    19. Find Undiscovered Keywords With This “Underground” SEO Tool
    20. Find Niche-Specific Link Building Opportunities Using Flippa
    21. Use The Google Search Console to Get More (Targeted) Traffic

    BONUS #1: Get More Traffic (And White Hat Links) With “The Upside Down Guest Post”
    BONUS #2: Learn SEO Quickly With This Step-By-Step Beginners Guide
    BONUS #3: Use Expert Roundups to Generate Links and Social Shares on Autopilot

Wednesday, 20 December 2017

  1. Research cum experimentation: Google updates its algorithms constantly and it is important to keep a track of the news. On the whole, every day nearly 3.5 billion searches are conducted on Google and since so many people use it, one has to do research to sell products and services.
  2. Practice is essential: One must practice to keep updated about latest happening on Google and to improve upon one’s SEO techniques.
  3. Try for more visibility: Once one’s website starts ranking first on Google page then one will get more visibility which would mean more traffic and more conversions leading to more revenue.
  4. The effort for page one on Google: It is important to try for page one ranking on Google to get positive results. The optimization of the content must be highly professionalized to make it to the front page. It is to tap as many viewers as possible to get the clients’ appreciation. It means sincere and dedicated hard work for the SEO.
  5. Auditing of one’s work: It is important to evaluate one’s work to improve upon it. One must observe the results whether they meet up to the expectation. If not then it is advisable to read more books, or other SEO experts or do research to find better ways of optimization.
  6. Keyword stuffing is important: It is important to put in appropriate keywords as they play a major role in placing the post on Google page one. One has to do research for appropriate keywords and also place them appropriately.
  7. Creation of SEO optimized landing pages: This can improve one’s lead generation and sales. One must create more landing pages in order to have more openings for incoming traffic. Whatever said and done finally what matters is traffic. The more readers an SEO can attract, the better his or her professionalism is considered.
These are few of the advanced SEO techniques that will enable an SEO to perform well. SEOs are an integral part of website business and are the backbone of it. The SEO has a major responsibility to ensure that the client is happy with his or her promotional work. The client is always eager that his or her product must be promoted well and must fetch good revenue.